107. Liao, H., Liu, C., Zhou, S., Liu, C., Eldridge, D.J., Ai, C., Wilhelm, S., Singh, B.K., Liang, X., Radosevich, M., Yang, Q., Tang, X., Wei, Z., Friman, V-P., Gillings, M., Delgado-Baguerizo, M. and Zhu, Y. (2024). Prophage-encoded antibiotic resistance genes are enriched in human-impacted environments. Nature Communications (accepted).
106. Ai, C., Cui, P., Liu, C., Wu, W., Xu, Y., Liang, X., Yanq, Q., Tang, X., Zhou, S., Liao, H., and Friman, V-P. (2024). Viral and thermal lysis facilitates transmission of antibiotic resistance genes during the composting. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 0:e00695-24.
105. Gu, S., Shao, Y., Rehm, K., Bigler, L., Zhang, D., He, R., Xu, R., Shao, J., Jousset, A., Friman, V-P., Bian, X., Weoi, Z., Kummerli, R. and Li, Z. (2024). From sequence to molecules: Feature sequence-based genome mining uncovers the hidden diversity of bacterial siderophore pathways. eLife (reviewed preprint).
104. Wang, X., Tang, Y., Yue, X., Wang, S., Keming, Y., Xu, Y., Qi-Rong, S., Friman, V-P. and Wei, Z. (2024). The role of rhizosphere phages in soil health. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 100 (5): fiae052.
103. Wang, X., Wang, S., Yang, K., Huang, M., He, Y., Wang, N., Sun, T., Yang, H., Yang, T., Xu, Y., Shen, Q., Friman, V-P. and Wei, Z. (2024). Phages enhance both phytopathogen density control and rhizosphere microbiome suppressiveness. mBio: 0:e03016-23.
102. Bottery, M., Johansen, H.K., Pitchford, J. W. and Friman, V-P. (2024). Co-occurring microflora and mucin drive Pseudomonas aeruginosa diversification and pathoadaptation. ISME Communications 4: ycae043.
101. Yang, Q., Ma, X., Li, M., Zhao, M., Zeng, L., He, M., Deng, H., Liao, H., Rensing, C., Friman, V-P., Zhou, S. and Walsh, T.R. (2024). Evolution of triclosan resistance modulates bacterial permissiveness to multdirug resistance plasmids and phages. Nature Communications 15: 3654.
100. Clough, S.E., Elphinstone, J.G. and Friman, V-P. (2024). Plant pathogenic bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum can rapidly evolve tolerance to antimicrobials produced by Pseudomonas biocontrol bacteria. Journal of Evolutionary Biology: 37(2): 225-237.
99. Wang, J., Wang, X., Yang, K., Lu, C., Fields, B., Xu, Y., Shen, Q., Wei, Z., and Friman, V-P. (2024). Phage selection drives resistance-virulence trade-offs in Ralstonia solanacearum plant pathogenic bacterium irrespective of the growth temperature. Evolution Letters: grad056.
98. Li, J., Yang, C., Jousset, A., Yang, K., Wang, X., Xu, Z., Yang, T., Mei, X., Zhong, Z., Xu, Y., Shen, Q., Friman, V-P. and Wei, Z. (2023). Engineering multifunctional rhizosphere probiotics using consortia of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens transposon insertion mutants. eLife 12: e90726. Originally published in biorxiv.
97. Yang, K., Fu, R., Feng., H, Jiang, G., Finkel, O., Sun, T., Liu, M., Huang, B., Li, S., Wang, X., Yang, T., Wang, Y., Wang, S., Xu, Y., Shen, Q., Friman, V-P, Jousset, A., and Wei, Z. (2023). RIN enhances plant disease resistance via root exudate-mediated assembly of disease-suppressive rhizosphere microbiota. Molecular Plant 16(9): 1379-1395.
96. Greenrod, S.T.E., Stoycheva, M., Elphinstone, J.G., and Friman, V-P. (2023). Influence of insertion sequences on population structure of phytopathogenic bacteria in the Ralstonia solanacearum species complex. Microbiology 169.7: 001364. Originally published in biorxiv.
95. Lowe-Power, T., Sharma, P., Alfenas-Zerbini, P., Álvarez, B., Arif, M., Baroukh, C., Bocsanczy, A.M., Biosca, E.G., Castillo, J.A., Cellier, G., Coutinho, T., Drenth, A., Friman, V-P-, Genin, S., Guidot, A., Hikichi, Y., Huang, Q., Iyer-Pascuzzi, A., Kai, K., Pecrix, Y., Poussier, S., Ray, J., Rossato, M., Schomer, R., Inés Siri, M., Vinatzer, B. and Allen, C. (2023). Letter to the Editor: The Ralstonia research community rejects the proposal to classify phylotype I Ralstonia into the new species Ralstonia nicotianae. PhytoFrontiers (accepted).
94. Gu, Y., Li, Z., Lei, P., Wang, R., Xu, H. and Friman, V-P. (2023). Phylogenetic distance-decay patterns are not explained by local community assembly processes in freshwater lake microbial communities. Environmental Microbiology (accepted).
93. Fields, B., Moeskjaer S., Deakin, W.J., Moffat, E.K., Roulund, N., Andersen, S.U., Young, P.W. and Friman, V-P. (2023). Rhizobium nodule diversity and composition is influenced by clover host selection and local growth conditions. Molecular Ecology 32(15): 4259-4277.
92. Liao, H., Liu, C., Ai, C., Gao, T., Yang, Q., Yu, Z., Gao, S., Zhou, S. and Friman, V-P. (2023). Mesophilic and thermophilic viruses are associated with nutrient cycling during hyperthermophilic composting. The ISME Journal 1-15.
91. Rehm, K., Vollenweider, V., Gu, S., Friman, V-P., Kümmerli, R., Wei, Z., and Bigler, L. (2023). Chryseochelins - structural characterization of novel citrate-based siderophores produced by plant protecting Chryseobacterium spp. Metallomics 15: 3 mfad008.
90. Yuan, S., Friman, V-P., Balcazar, J.L., Zheng, X., Ye, M., Sun, M. and Hu, F. (2023). Viral and bacterial communities collaborate through complementary assembly processes in soil to survive organochlorine contamination. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (e01810-22).
89. Yang, K., Wang, Xiaofang., Hou, R., Lu, C., Fan, Z., Li, J., Wang, S., Shen, Q., Friman, V-P. and Wei, Z. (2023). Rhizosphere phage communities drive soil suppressiveness to bacterial wilt disease. Microbiome 11(1): 1-18.
88. Wang, J., Waza, R., Jiang, G., Yi, Z., Fields, B., Greenrod, S., Friman, V-P., Jousset, A., Shen, Q. and Wei, Z. (2023). Bacterial volatile organic compounds attenuate pathogen virulence via evolutionary trade-offs. The ISME Journal 1-10.
87. Greenrod, S.T.E., Stoycheva, M., Elphinstone, J.G., and Friman, V-P. (2021). Global diversity and distribution of prophages are lineage-specific with the Ralstonia solanacearum plant pathogenic bacterium species complex. BMC Genomics 23(1): 689 biorxiv.
86. Quinn, A., Bottery, M., Thompson, H. and Friman, V-P. (2022). Resistance evolution can disrupt antibiotic exposure protection through competitive exclusion of the protective species. The ISME Journal 16(10): 2433-2447.
85. Fields, B. and Friman, V-P. (2022). Microbial eco-evolutionary dynamics in the plant rhizosphere. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 68, 102153.
84. Clough, S.E., Jousset, Al., Elphinstone, J.G. and Friman, V-P. (2022). Combining in vitro and in vivo screening to identify efficient Pseudomonas biocontrol strains against the phytopathogenic Ralstonia solanacearum bacterium. Microbiology Open 11(2), e1283.
83. Law, J.P., Wood, J.A. and Friman, V-P. (2022). The effects of antibiotic combination treatments on Pseudomonas aeruginosa tolerance evolution and coexistence with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Microbiology Spectrum e01842-22. Originally published in biorxiv.
82. Zhu, C., Friman, V-P., Li, L., Xu, G., Guo, J., Guo, S., Shen, Q. and Ling, N. (2022). Meta-analysis of diazotrophic signatures across terrestrial ecosystems at the continental scale. Environmental Microbiology 24(4), 2013-2028.
81. Castledine, M., Padfield, D., Sierocinski, P., Pascual, J.S., Hughes, A., Mäkinen, L., Friman, V-P., Pirnay, J-P., Merabishivili, M., De Vos, D. and Buckling, A., (2022). Parallel evolution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage resistance and virulence loss in response to phage treatment in vivo and in vitro. Elife, 11, e73679. Originally published in biorxiv.
80. Alderley, L. C and Friman, V-P. (2022). Plant pathogenic bacterium can rapidly evolve tolerance to an antimicrobial plant allelochemical. Evolutionary Applications 15(5), 735-750. Originally published in bioRxiv.
79. Zheng, X., Jahn, M., Sun, M., Friman, V-P., Balcazar, J. L., Wang, J., Shi, Y., Gong, X. and Zhu, Y-G. (2021). Organochlorine contamination enriches virus-encoded metabolism and pesticide degradation associated auxiliary genes in soil microbiomes. The ISME Journal (accepted). Also featured in Nature Reviews Microbiology in brief and blogged in Nature Ecology and Evolution community and Nature Microbiology Community.
78. Bottery, M., Matthews, J., Wood, A., Johansen, H.K., Pitchford, J. and Friman, V-P. (2021). Inter-species interactions alter antibiotic efficacy in bacterial communities. The ISME Journal 16(3), 812-821. Also featured in Nature Reviews Microbiology in brief.
77. Grace, E.R., Rabiey, M., Friman, V-P and Jackson, R.W. (2021). Seeing the forest for the trees: Use of phages to treat bacterial tree diseases. Plant Pathology 70: 1987-2004.
76. Fields, B., Moffat, E.K., Harrison, E., Andersen, S.U., Young, P.W. and Friman, V-P. (2021). Genetic variation is associated with differences in facilitative and competitive interactions in the Rhizobium leguminosarum species complex. Environmental Microbiology (accepted).
75. Raza, W., Wei, Z., Jousset, A., Shen, Q. and Friman, V-P. (2021). Extended plant metarhizobiome: understanding volatile organic compounds signalling in plant-microbe metapopulation networks. mSystems 6(4): e00849-21.
74. Liao, H., Bai. Y., Liu, C., Wen,C., Yang, Q., Chen, Z., Samiran, B., Zhou, S. and Friman, V-P. (2021). Airborne and indigenous microbiomes co-drive the rebound of antibiotic resistome during compost storage. Environmental Microbiology (accepted).
73. Wright, R.C.T, Friman, V-P., Smith, M.C.M and Brockhurst, M. (2021). Functional diversity increases the efficacy of phage combinations. Microbiology 167: 001110. Originally published in bioRxiv.
72. Wang, X., Wan, J., Jiang, G., Yang, T., Banerjee, S., Wei, Z., Mei, X., Friman, V-P., Xu, Y. and Shen, Q. (2021). Compositional and functional succession of bacterial and fungal communities is associated with changes in abiotic properties during pig manure composting. Waste Management 131: 350-358.
71. Jie, H., Yang., T., Friman, V-P., Kowalchuk, G.A., Hautier, Y., Li, M., Wei, Z., Xu, Y., Shen, Q., and Jousset, A. (2021). Introduction of probiotic bacterial consortia promotes plant growth via impacts on the resident rhizosphere microbiome. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. (accepted). Originally published in bioRxiv.
70. Li, E., de Jonge, R., Liu, C., Jiang, H., Friman, V-P., Pieterse, C.M.J., Bakkeer, P.A.H.M and Jousset, A. (2021). Rapid evolution of bacterial mutualism in the plant rhizosphere. Nature Communications 12: 3829. Originally published in bioRxiv.
69. Duyvejonck, H., Merabishivili, M., Vaneechoutte, M., de Soir, S., Wright, R., Friman, V-P., Verbeken, G., De Vos, D., Pirnay, J-P, Van Mechelen, E. and Vermeulen, S.J.T. (2021). Evaluation of the stability bacteriophages in different solutions for the production of magistral preparations in Belgium. Viruses 13(5): 865.
68. Fields, B., Moffat, E.K., Friman, V-P. and Harrison, E. (2021). The impact of intra-specific diversity in the rhizobia-legume symbiosis. Microbiology 167(4): 001051.
67. Jiang, G., Wang, N., Zhang, Y., Wang, W., Zhang, Y., Yu, J., Zhang, J., Xu, Y., Geisen, S., Friman, V-P. and Shen, Q. (2021). The relative importance of soil moisture in predicting bacterial wilt disease occurrence. Soil Ecology Letters 3: 356-366.
66. Wan, J., Wang, X., Yang, T., Wei, Z., Banerjee, S., Friman, V-P., Mei, X., Xu, Y. and Shen, Q. (2021). Livestock manure type affects microbial community composition and assembly during composting. Frontiers in Microbiology 12: 578.
65. Liao, H., Li, X., Yang, Q., Bai, Y., Cui, P., Wen, C., Liu, C., Chen, Z., Tang, J., Che, J., Yu, Z., Geisen, S., Zhou, S., Friman, V-P. and Zhu, Y. (2021). Herbicide selection promotes antibiotic resistance in soil microbiomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution msab029.
64. Fields, B., Moeskjær, S., Friman, V-P., Andersen, S.U., and Young, P.W. (2020). MAUI-seq: Metabarcoding using amplicons with unique molecular identifiers to improve error correction. Molecular Ecology Resources 21: 703-720. Originally published in bioRxiv, 538587.
63. Bottery, M.J., Pitchford, J.W. & Friman, V-P. (2020). Ecology and evolution of antimicrobial resistance in bacterial communities. The ISME Journal 15: 939-948.
62. Gu, S., Wang, X., Yang, T., Friman, V-P., Geisen, S., Wei, Z., Xu, Y., Jousset, A. and Shen, Q.(2020). Chemical structure predicts the effect of plant-derived low molecular weight compounds on soil microbiome structure and pathogen suppression. Functional Ecology 34 (10): 2158-2169.
61. Gu, S., Yang, T., Shao, Z., Cao, K., Jousset, A., Friman, V-P., Mallon, C., Mei, X., Wei, Z., Xu, Y., Shen, Q. and Pommier, T. (2020). Siderophore-mediated interactions determine the disease suppressiveness of microbial consortia. mSystems 5(3): e00811-19.
60. Gu, S., Wei, Z., Shao, Z., Friman, V-P., Cao, K., Yang, T., Kramer, J., Wang, X., Meil, L., Xu, Y., Shen, Q., Kümmerli, R. and , Jousset, A. (2020). Competition for iron drives phytopathogen control by natural rhizosphere microbiomes. Nature Microbiology 5: 1002-1010.
59. Wei, Z., Friman, V-P., Pommier, T., Geisen, S., Jousset, A. and Shen, G. (2020). Rhizosphere immunity: targeting the underground for sustainable plant health management. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 7(3): 317-328.
58. Gu, Y., Dong, K., Geisen, S., Yang, W., Yan, Y., Gu, D., Liu, N., Borisjuk, N., Luo, Y., Friman, V-P. (2020). The effect of microbial inoculant origin on the rhizosphere bacterial community composition and plant growth-promotion. Plant and Soil 452: 105-117.
57. Raza, W.., Wang, J., Jousset, A., Friman, V-P., Xinlan, M., Shimei, W., Wei, Z. and Shen, Q. (2020). Bacterial community richness shifts the balance between volatile organic compound-mediated microbe-pathogen and microbe-plant interactions. Proc R. Soc. Lond. B. 287:20200403.
56. Wang, X., Wei, Z., Yang, K., Wang, J., Jousset, A., Xu, Y., Shen, Q. & Friman, V-P. (2019). Phage combination therapies for bacterial wilt disease in tomato. Nature Biotechnology 37: 1513-1520.
*Also covered by Nature Plants and Trends in Plant Science
55. Liao, H., Qian, Z., Peng, C., Zhi, C., Yu, Z., Geisen, S., Friman, V-P. and Zhou, S. (2019). Efficient reduction of antibiotic residues and associated resistance genes in tylosin fermentation waste using hyperthermophilic composting. Environment International 133: 105203.
54. Wright, R.C.T, Friman, V-P., Smith, M.C.M and Brockhurst, M. (2019). Resistance evolution against phage combinations depends on the timing and order of exposure. mBio 10:e01652-19.
53. Geisen, S., Briones, M.J.I., Gan, H., Behan-Pelletier,V.M., Friman, V-P., de Groot, A., Hannula, E., Lindo, Z., Philippot, L., Tiunov, A.V. and Wall, D. (2019). A methodological framework to embrace soil biodiversity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 136: 107536.
52. Wei, Z.., Gu, Y., Friman, V-P., Kowalchuk, G., Xu, Y., Shen, Q. and Jousset, A. (2019). Initial soil microbiome composition and functioning predetermines future plant health. Science Advances 5: eaaw0759.
51. McClean, D., Friman, V., Finn, A., Salzberg, L., & Donohue, I. (2019). Coping with multiple enemies: pairwise interactions do not predict evolutionary change in complex multitrophic communities. Oikos 128 (11): 1588-1599. - Originally published 2018 in bioRxiv, 492132.
50. Liao, H., Friman, V-P., Geisen, S., Zhao, Q., Cui, P., Lu, X., Chen, Z., Yu, Z., & Zhou, S. (2018). Horizontal gene transfer and shifts in linked bacterial community composition are associated with maintenance of antibiotic resistance genes during food waste composting. Science of the Total Environment 660: 841-850.
49. Yang, C., Dong, Y., Friman, V-P., Jousset, A., Wei, Z., Xu, Y. and Shen, Q. (2018). Carbon resource richness shapes bacterial competitive interactions by alleviating growth-antibiosis trade-off. Functional Ecology 33: 868-875.
48. Yang, T., Han, G., Yang, Q., Friman, V-P., Gu, S., Wei, Z., Kowalchuk, G., Xu, Y.. Shen, Q. and Jousset, A. (2018). Resource stoichiometry shapes community invasion resistance via productivity-mediated species identity effects. Proc R. Soc. Lond. B. 285: 20182035.
47. Li, M., Wei, Z., Wang, J., Jousset, A., Friman, V-P., Xu, Y., Shen, Q. and Pommier, T. (2018). Facilitation promotes invasions in plant-associated microbial communities. Ecology Letters 22: 149-158.
46. Wright, R.C.T, Friman, V-P., Smith, M.C.M. and Brockhurst, M.A. (2018). Cross-resistance is modular in bacteria-phage interactions. PLoS Biology 16(10): e2006057.
45. Luo, G., Li, L., Friman, V-P, Guo, J., Guo, S., Shen, Q. and Ling, N. (2018). Organic amendments increase crop yields by improving microbe-mediated soil functioning of agroecosystems: a meta-analysis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 124: 105-115.
44. Moulton-Brown, C. and Friman, V-P. (2018). Rapid evolution of generalised resistance mechanisms can constrain the efficacy of phage-antibiotic treatments. Evolutionary Applications 11: 1630-1641.
43. Flanagan, L., Steen, R., Saxby, K., Klatter, M., Aucott, B.J., Winstanley, C., Fairlamb, I.J.S., Lynam, J.M., Parkin, L. and Friman, V-P. (2018). The Antimicrobial activity of a carbon monoxide releasing molecule (EBOR-CORM-1) is shaped by intraspecific variation within Pseudomonas aeruginosa populations. Frontiers in Microbiology 9: 195.
42. Xu, L., Zhang, Y., Li, C., Wang, X., Liu, J. and Friman, V-P. (2018). Nocardioides astragali sp. nov., isolated from a nodule of wild Astragalus chrysopterus in northwestern China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 111: 1157-1163.
41. Liao, H., Lu, X., Rensing, C., Friman, V-P, Geisen, S., Chen, Z., Yu, Z., Wei, Z., Zhou, S., and Zhu, Y. (2018).
Hyperthermophilic composting accelerates the removal of antibiotic resistance genes and mobile genetic elements in sewage sludge. Environmental Science and Technology 52: 266-276.
40. Wei, Z., Hu, J., Gu, Y., Yin, S., Xu, Y., Jousset, A., Shen, Q and Friman, V-P (2018). Ralstonia solanacearum pathogen disrupts bacterial rhizosphere microbiome during an invasion. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 118: 8-17.
39. Luo, G., Friman, VP, Chen, H., Liu, M,, Wang, M., Guo, S., Ling, N. and Shen, Q. (2018). Long-term fertilization regimes drive the abundance and composition of N-cycling-related prokaryotic groups via soil particle-size differentiation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 116: 213-223.
38. Xu, L., Zhang, Y., Mohamad, O., Jiang, C. and Friman, V-P. (2017). Mezorhizobium zhnagyense sp. nov.,isolated from wild Thermopsis lanceolate in northwestern China. Archives in Microbiology 200: 603-610.
37. Xu, L., Zhang, Y., Read, N., Liu, S. and Friman, V-P. (2017). Devosia nitraria sp. nov.,a novel species isolated from the roots of Nitraria sibirica in China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 110: 1475-1483.
36. Hu, J., Wei, Z., Weidner, S., Friman, V-P., Xu, Y., Shen, Q. and Jousset, A. (2017). Probiotic Pseudomonas communities enhance plant growth and nutrient assimilation via diversity-mediated ecosystem functioning. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 113: 122-129.
35. Aminov, R., Caplin, J., Chanisvili, N., Coffey, AI., Cooper, I., De Vos, D., Doškař, J., Friman, V-P., Kurtböke, I., Pantucek, R., Pirnay, J-P, Resch, G., Rohde, C., Sybesma, W. and WIttman, J. (2017). Application of bacteriophages. Microbiology Australia 38: 63-66.
34. Yang, T., Wei, Z., Friman, V-P., Xu, Y., Shen, Q., Kowalchuk, G.A. and Jousset, A. (2017). Resource availability modulates biodiversity-invasion relationships by altering competitive interactions. Environmental Microbiology 8: 2984-2991.
33. Moreau, P., Diggle, S.P. and Friman, V-P. (2017). Bacterial cell-to-cell signalling promotes the evolution of resistance to parasitic bacteriophages. Ecology and Evolution 7: 1936-1941.
32. Wei, Z., Huang, J., Yang, T., Jousset, A., Xu, Y., Shen, Q. and Friman, V-P. (2017). Seasonal variation in the biocontrol efficiency of bacterial wilt is driven by temperature-mediated changes in bacterial competitive interactions. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 1440-1448.
31. Gu, Y., Hou, Y., Huang, D., Hao, Z., Wang, X., Wei, Z., Jousset, A., Tan, S., Xu, D., Shen, Q., Xu, Y. and Friman, V-P. (2016). Application of biochar constrains Ralstonia solanacearum infection via effects on pathogen chemotaxis, swarming motility, and root exudate availability. Plant and Soil 415: 269-281.
30. Wang, X., Wei, Z., Li, M., Wang, X., Shan, A., Mei, X., Jousset, A., Shen, Q., Xu, Y. and Friman, V-P. (2016). Parasites and competitors suppress bacterial pathogen synergistically due to evolutionary trade-offs. Evolution 71: 733-746.
29. Hu, J., Wei, Z., Friman, V-P., Gu, S., Wang, X., Eisenhauer, N., Yang, T., Ma, J., Shen, Q., Xu, Y. and Jousset, A. (2016). Probiotic diversity enhances rhizosphere microbiome function and plant disease suppression. mBio 7: e01790-16.
28. Mumford, R. and Friman, V-P. (2016). Bacterial competition and quorum-sensing signalling shapes the eco-evolutionary outcomes of model in vitro phage therapy. Evolutionary Applications 10: 161-169.
27. Gu, Y., Wei, Z., Wang, X., Friman, V-P., Huang, J., Wang, X., Mei, X., Xu, Y., Shen, Q. and Jousset, A. (2016). Pathogen invasion indirectly changes the composition of soil microbiome via shifts in root exudation profile. Biology and Fertility of Soils 52: 997-1005.
26. Sun, MM., Ye, M., Schwab, AP., Li, X., Wan, J., Wei, Z., Wu, J., Friman, V-P., Liu, K., Tian, D., Liu, M., Li, H., Hu, F., and Jiang, X. (2016). Human migration activities drive the fluctuation of ARGs: case study of landfills in Nanjing, eastern China. Journal Of Hazardous Materials 315: 93-101.
25. Expert round table on acceptance and re-implementation of bacteriophage therapy, Z. Alavidze, R. Aminov, A. Betts , M. Bardiau, L. Bretaudeau, J. Caplin, N. Chanishvili, A. Coffey , I. Cooper , D. De Vos , J. Doskar, V. Friman, N. Hoyle , N. Karanadze, I. Kurtboke, M. Kutateladze, S. McCallin, M. Merabishvili, G. Mgaloblishvili, L. Nadareishvili, N. Nikolaishvili, D. Nizharadze, R. Pantucek, J. Pirnay , G. Resch , C. Rohde, W. Sybesma, T. Shulaia, M. Tediashvili and A. Ujmajuridze (2016). Silk route to the acceptance and re-implementation of bacteriophage therapy. Biotechnology Journal 11: 595-600.
24. Friman, V-P., Dupont, A., Bass, D., Murrell, D. and Bell, T. (2015). The relative importance of evolutionary dynamics depends on the composition of microbial predator-prey community. The ISME Journal 10: 1352-1362.
23. Friman, V-P, Soanes-Brown, D., Sierocinski, P., Molin, S., Johansen, H., Merabishvili, M., Pirnay, J-P., De Vos, D. and Buckling, A. (2015). Pre-adapting parasitic phages to a pathogen leads to increased pathogen clearance and lowered resistance evolution with Pseudomonas aeruginosa cystic fibrosis bacterial isolates. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29: 188-198.
22. Wei, Z., Huang, J., Hu, J., Gu, Y., Yang, C., Mei, X., Shen, Q., Xu, Y. and Friman, V-P. (2015). Altering transplantation time to avoid periods of high temperature can efficiently reduce bacterial wilt disease incidence with tomato. PLoS ONE 10(10):e0139313.
21. Wei, Z., Yang, T., Friman, V-P., Xu, Y., Shen, Q., Jousset, A. (2015). Trophic network architecture of root-associated bacterial communities determines pathogen invasion and plant health. Nature Communications 6: 8413
20. Friman, V-P., Guzman, M., Reuman, D. and Bell, T. (2015). Bacterial adaptation to sublethal antibiotic gradients can change the ecological properties of multitrophic microbial communities. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 282: 20142920
19. Scanlan, P., Hall, A., Blackshields, G., Friman, V-P., Davis, M., Goldberg, J. & Buckling, A. (2015). Coevolution with bacteriophages drives genome-wide host evolution and constrains the acquisition of abiotic-beneficial mutations. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32: 1425-1435.
18. Friman, V-P. & Buckling, A. (2014). Phages can constrain protist predation-driven attenuation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence in multi-enemy communities. The ISME Journal 8: 1820-1830.
17. Friman, V-P., Jousset, A. & Buckling, A. (2014). Rapid prey evolution can alter the structure of predator-prey communities. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27: 374-380.
16. Friman, V-P., Ghoul, M., Søren, M., Johansen, H.K. & Buckling, A. (2013). Pseudomonas aeruginosa adaptation to lungs of cystic fibrosis patients leads to lowered resistance to phage and protist enemies. PLoS ONE 8(9): e75380.
15. Friman, V-P., Diggle, S.P. & Buckling, A. (2013). Protist predation can favour cooperation within bacterial species. Biology Letters 9: 20130548.
14. Ketola, T., Mikonranta, L., Zhang, J., Saarinen, K., Friman, V-P., Örmälä, A-M., Mappes, J. & Laakso, J. (2013). Fluctuating temperature leads to evolution of thermal generalism and pre-adaptation to novel environments. Evolution 67: 2936-44.
13. Friman, V-P. & Buckling. A. (2013). Effects of predation on real-time host-parasite coevolutionary dynamics. Ecology Letters 16: 39-46.
12. Mikonranta, L., Friman, V-P. & Laakso, J. 2012. Life History Trade-offs and Relaxed Selection Can Decrease Bacterial Virulence in Environmental Reservoirs. PLoS ONE 7(8): e43801.
11. Zhang, J., Friman, V-P., Laakso, J. & Mappes, J. 2012. Interactive effects between diet and genotypes of host and pathogen define the severity of infection. Ecology and Evolution 2: 2347–2356.
10. Hall, A., De Vos, D., Friman, V-P., Pirnay, J-P. & Buckling, A. 2012. Effects of sequential and simultaneous application of bacteriophages on populations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in vitro and in waxmoth larvae. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78: 5646-5652.
9. Mideo, N., Acosta-Serrano, A,, Aebischer, T., Brown, M.J.F., Fenton, A., Friman, V-P., Restif, O., Reece, S.E., Webster, J.P. & Brown, S.P. 2012. Life in cells, hosts, and vectors: Parasite evolution across scales. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 13: 344-347.
8. Laurentz, M., Reudler, J.H., Mappes, J., Friman, V-P., Ikonen, S. & Lindstedt, C. 2012. Diet quality can play a critical role in the defence efficacy against parasitoids and pathogens in the Glanville Fritillary (Melitae cinxia). Journal of Chemical Ecology 38: 116-125.
7. Hiltunen, T., Friman, V-P., Kaitala, V., Mappes, J. & Laakso, J. 2012. Predation and temporal resource fluctuations drive eco-evolutionary dynamics of bacterial community. Acta Oecologica 38: 77-83.
6. Friman, V-P., Laakso, J., Koivu-Orava, M. & Hiltunen, T. 2011. Pulsed-resource dynamics increase the asymmetry of antagonistic coevolution between a predatory protist and a prey bacterium. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 2563–2573.
5. Jalasvuori, M., Friman, V-P., Nieminen, A., Bamford, J.K.H. & Buckling, A. 2011. Bacteriophage selection against a plasmid-encoded sex-apparatus leads to the loss of antibiotic resistance plasmids. Biology Letters 7: 902-905.
4. Friman, V-P., Hiltunen, T., Jalasvuori, M., Lindstedt, C., Laanto, E., Örmälä, A-M., Laakso, J., Mappes, J. & Bamford, J. 2011. High temperature and bacteriophages can indirectly select for bacterial pathogenicity in environmental reservoirs. PLoS ONE 6(3): e17651
3. Friman, V-P. & Laakso, J. 2011. Pulsed resource dynamics constrain the evolution of predator-prey interactions. The American Naturalist, 177: 334-345
2. Friman, V.-P., Lindstedt, C., Hiltunen, T., Laakso, J. & Mappes, J. 2009. Predation on multiple trophic levels shapes the evolution of pathogen virulence. PLoS ONE 4(8): e6761.
1. Friman, V.-P., Hiltunen, T., Laakso, J. & Kaitala, V. 2008. Availability of prey resources drives evolution of predator-prey interaction. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, 275: 1625-1633.
106. Ai, C., Cui, P., Liu, C., Wu, W., Xu, Y., Liang, X., Yanq, Q., Tang, X., Zhou, S., Liao, H., and Friman, V-P. (2024). Viral and thermal lysis facilitates transmission of antibiotic resistance genes during the composting. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 0:e00695-24.
105. Gu, S., Shao, Y., Rehm, K., Bigler, L., Zhang, D., He, R., Xu, R., Shao, J., Jousset, A., Friman, V-P., Bian, X., Weoi, Z., Kummerli, R. and Li, Z. (2024). From sequence to molecules: Feature sequence-based genome mining uncovers the hidden diversity of bacterial siderophore pathways. eLife (reviewed preprint).
104. Wang, X., Tang, Y., Yue, X., Wang, S., Keming, Y., Xu, Y., Qi-Rong, S., Friman, V-P. and Wei, Z. (2024). The role of rhizosphere phages in soil health. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 100 (5): fiae052.
103. Wang, X., Wang, S., Yang, K., Huang, M., He, Y., Wang, N., Sun, T., Yang, H., Yang, T., Xu, Y., Shen, Q., Friman, V-P. and Wei, Z. (2024). Phages enhance both phytopathogen density control and rhizosphere microbiome suppressiveness. mBio: 0:e03016-23.
102. Bottery, M., Johansen, H.K., Pitchford, J. W. and Friman, V-P. (2024). Co-occurring microflora and mucin drive Pseudomonas aeruginosa diversification and pathoadaptation. ISME Communications 4: ycae043.
101. Yang, Q., Ma, X., Li, M., Zhao, M., Zeng, L., He, M., Deng, H., Liao, H., Rensing, C., Friman, V-P., Zhou, S. and Walsh, T.R. (2024). Evolution of triclosan resistance modulates bacterial permissiveness to multdirug resistance plasmids and phages. Nature Communications 15: 3654.
100. Clough, S.E., Elphinstone, J.G. and Friman, V-P. (2024). Plant pathogenic bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum can rapidly evolve tolerance to antimicrobials produced by Pseudomonas biocontrol bacteria. Journal of Evolutionary Biology: 37(2): 225-237.
99. Wang, J., Wang, X., Yang, K., Lu, C., Fields, B., Xu, Y., Shen, Q., Wei, Z., and Friman, V-P. (2024). Phage selection drives resistance-virulence trade-offs in Ralstonia solanacearum plant pathogenic bacterium irrespective of the growth temperature. Evolution Letters: grad056.
98. Li, J., Yang, C., Jousset, A., Yang, K., Wang, X., Xu, Z., Yang, T., Mei, X., Zhong, Z., Xu, Y., Shen, Q., Friman, V-P. and Wei, Z. (2023). Engineering multifunctional rhizosphere probiotics using consortia of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens transposon insertion mutants. eLife 12: e90726. Originally published in biorxiv.
97. Yang, K., Fu, R., Feng., H, Jiang, G., Finkel, O., Sun, T., Liu, M., Huang, B., Li, S., Wang, X., Yang, T., Wang, Y., Wang, S., Xu, Y., Shen, Q., Friman, V-P, Jousset, A., and Wei, Z. (2023). RIN enhances plant disease resistance via root exudate-mediated assembly of disease-suppressive rhizosphere microbiota. Molecular Plant 16(9): 1379-1395.
96. Greenrod, S.T.E., Stoycheva, M., Elphinstone, J.G., and Friman, V-P. (2023). Influence of insertion sequences on population structure of phytopathogenic bacteria in the Ralstonia solanacearum species complex. Microbiology 169.7: 001364. Originally published in biorxiv.
95. Lowe-Power, T., Sharma, P., Alfenas-Zerbini, P., Álvarez, B., Arif, M., Baroukh, C., Bocsanczy, A.M., Biosca, E.G., Castillo, J.A., Cellier, G., Coutinho, T., Drenth, A., Friman, V-P-, Genin, S., Guidot, A., Hikichi, Y., Huang, Q., Iyer-Pascuzzi, A., Kai, K., Pecrix, Y., Poussier, S., Ray, J., Rossato, M., Schomer, R., Inés Siri, M., Vinatzer, B. and Allen, C. (2023). Letter to the Editor: The Ralstonia research community rejects the proposal to classify phylotype I Ralstonia into the new species Ralstonia nicotianae. PhytoFrontiers (accepted).
94. Gu, Y., Li, Z., Lei, P., Wang, R., Xu, H. and Friman, V-P. (2023). Phylogenetic distance-decay patterns are not explained by local community assembly processes in freshwater lake microbial communities. Environmental Microbiology (accepted).
93. Fields, B., Moeskjaer S., Deakin, W.J., Moffat, E.K., Roulund, N., Andersen, S.U., Young, P.W. and Friman, V-P. (2023). Rhizobium nodule diversity and composition is influenced by clover host selection and local growth conditions. Molecular Ecology 32(15): 4259-4277.
92. Liao, H., Liu, C., Ai, C., Gao, T., Yang, Q., Yu, Z., Gao, S., Zhou, S. and Friman, V-P. (2023). Mesophilic and thermophilic viruses are associated with nutrient cycling during hyperthermophilic composting. The ISME Journal 1-15.
91. Rehm, K., Vollenweider, V., Gu, S., Friman, V-P., Kümmerli, R., Wei, Z., and Bigler, L. (2023). Chryseochelins - structural characterization of novel citrate-based siderophores produced by plant protecting Chryseobacterium spp. Metallomics 15: 3 mfad008.
90. Yuan, S., Friman, V-P., Balcazar, J.L., Zheng, X., Ye, M., Sun, M. and Hu, F. (2023). Viral and bacterial communities collaborate through complementary assembly processes in soil to survive organochlorine contamination. Applied and Environmental Microbiology (e01810-22).
89. Yang, K., Wang, Xiaofang., Hou, R., Lu, C., Fan, Z., Li, J., Wang, S., Shen, Q., Friman, V-P. and Wei, Z. (2023). Rhizosphere phage communities drive soil suppressiveness to bacterial wilt disease. Microbiome 11(1): 1-18.
88. Wang, J., Waza, R., Jiang, G., Yi, Z., Fields, B., Greenrod, S., Friman, V-P., Jousset, A., Shen, Q. and Wei, Z. (2023). Bacterial volatile organic compounds attenuate pathogen virulence via evolutionary trade-offs. The ISME Journal 1-10.
87. Greenrod, S.T.E., Stoycheva, M., Elphinstone, J.G., and Friman, V-P. (2021). Global diversity and distribution of prophages are lineage-specific with the Ralstonia solanacearum plant pathogenic bacterium species complex. BMC Genomics 23(1): 689 biorxiv.
86. Quinn, A., Bottery, M., Thompson, H. and Friman, V-P. (2022). Resistance evolution can disrupt antibiotic exposure protection through competitive exclusion of the protective species. The ISME Journal 16(10): 2433-2447.
85. Fields, B. and Friman, V-P. (2022). Microbial eco-evolutionary dynamics in the plant rhizosphere. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 68, 102153.
84. Clough, S.E., Jousset, Al., Elphinstone, J.G. and Friman, V-P. (2022). Combining in vitro and in vivo screening to identify efficient Pseudomonas biocontrol strains against the phytopathogenic Ralstonia solanacearum bacterium. Microbiology Open 11(2), e1283.
83. Law, J.P., Wood, J.A. and Friman, V-P. (2022). The effects of antibiotic combination treatments on Pseudomonas aeruginosa tolerance evolution and coexistence with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Microbiology Spectrum e01842-22. Originally published in biorxiv.
82. Zhu, C., Friman, V-P., Li, L., Xu, G., Guo, J., Guo, S., Shen, Q. and Ling, N. (2022). Meta-analysis of diazotrophic signatures across terrestrial ecosystems at the continental scale. Environmental Microbiology 24(4), 2013-2028.
81. Castledine, M., Padfield, D., Sierocinski, P., Pascual, J.S., Hughes, A., Mäkinen, L., Friman, V-P., Pirnay, J-P., Merabishivili, M., De Vos, D. and Buckling, A., (2022). Parallel evolution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage resistance and virulence loss in response to phage treatment in vivo and in vitro. Elife, 11, e73679. Originally published in biorxiv.
80. Alderley, L. C and Friman, V-P. (2022). Plant pathogenic bacterium can rapidly evolve tolerance to an antimicrobial plant allelochemical. Evolutionary Applications 15(5), 735-750. Originally published in bioRxiv.
79. Zheng, X., Jahn, M., Sun, M., Friman, V-P., Balcazar, J. L., Wang, J., Shi, Y., Gong, X. and Zhu, Y-G. (2021). Organochlorine contamination enriches virus-encoded metabolism and pesticide degradation associated auxiliary genes in soil microbiomes. The ISME Journal (accepted). Also featured in Nature Reviews Microbiology in brief and blogged in Nature Ecology and Evolution community and Nature Microbiology Community.
78. Bottery, M., Matthews, J., Wood, A., Johansen, H.K., Pitchford, J. and Friman, V-P. (2021). Inter-species interactions alter antibiotic efficacy in bacterial communities. The ISME Journal 16(3), 812-821. Also featured in Nature Reviews Microbiology in brief.
77. Grace, E.R., Rabiey, M., Friman, V-P and Jackson, R.W. (2021). Seeing the forest for the trees: Use of phages to treat bacterial tree diseases. Plant Pathology 70: 1987-2004.
76. Fields, B., Moffat, E.K., Harrison, E., Andersen, S.U., Young, P.W. and Friman, V-P. (2021). Genetic variation is associated with differences in facilitative and competitive interactions in the Rhizobium leguminosarum species complex. Environmental Microbiology (accepted).
75. Raza, W., Wei, Z., Jousset, A., Shen, Q. and Friman, V-P. (2021). Extended plant metarhizobiome: understanding volatile organic compounds signalling in plant-microbe metapopulation networks. mSystems 6(4): e00849-21.
74. Liao, H., Bai. Y., Liu, C., Wen,C., Yang, Q., Chen, Z., Samiran, B., Zhou, S. and Friman, V-P. (2021). Airborne and indigenous microbiomes co-drive the rebound of antibiotic resistome during compost storage. Environmental Microbiology (accepted).
73. Wright, R.C.T, Friman, V-P., Smith, M.C.M and Brockhurst, M. (2021). Functional diversity increases the efficacy of phage combinations. Microbiology 167: 001110. Originally published in bioRxiv.
72. Wang, X., Wan, J., Jiang, G., Yang, T., Banerjee, S., Wei, Z., Mei, X., Friman, V-P., Xu, Y. and Shen, Q. (2021). Compositional and functional succession of bacterial and fungal communities is associated with changes in abiotic properties during pig manure composting. Waste Management 131: 350-358.
71. Jie, H., Yang., T., Friman, V-P., Kowalchuk, G.A., Hautier, Y., Li, M., Wei, Z., Xu, Y., Shen, Q., and Jousset, A. (2021). Introduction of probiotic bacterial consortia promotes plant growth via impacts on the resident rhizosphere microbiome. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. (accepted). Originally published in bioRxiv.
70. Li, E., de Jonge, R., Liu, C., Jiang, H., Friman, V-P., Pieterse, C.M.J., Bakkeer, P.A.H.M and Jousset, A. (2021). Rapid evolution of bacterial mutualism in the plant rhizosphere. Nature Communications 12: 3829. Originally published in bioRxiv.
69. Duyvejonck, H., Merabishivili, M., Vaneechoutte, M., de Soir, S., Wright, R., Friman, V-P., Verbeken, G., De Vos, D., Pirnay, J-P, Van Mechelen, E. and Vermeulen, S.J.T. (2021). Evaluation of the stability bacteriophages in different solutions for the production of magistral preparations in Belgium. Viruses 13(5): 865.
68. Fields, B., Moffat, E.K., Friman, V-P. and Harrison, E. (2021). The impact of intra-specific diversity in the rhizobia-legume symbiosis. Microbiology 167(4): 001051.
67. Jiang, G., Wang, N., Zhang, Y., Wang, W., Zhang, Y., Yu, J., Zhang, J., Xu, Y., Geisen, S., Friman, V-P. and Shen, Q. (2021). The relative importance of soil moisture in predicting bacterial wilt disease occurrence. Soil Ecology Letters 3: 356-366.
66. Wan, J., Wang, X., Yang, T., Wei, Z., Banerjee, S., Friman, V-P., Mei, X., Xu, Y. and Shen, Q. (2021). Livestock manure type affects microbial community composition and assembly during composting. Frontiers in Microbiology 12: 578.
65. Liao, H., Li, X., Yang, Q., Bai, Y., Cui, P., Wen, C., Liu, C., Chen, Z., Tang, J., Che, J., Yu, Z., Geisen, S., Zhou, S., Friman, V-P. and Zhu, Y. (2021). Herbicide selection promotes antibiotic resistance in soil microbiomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution msab029.
64. Fields, B., Moeskjær, S., Friman, V-P., Andersen, S.U., and Young, P.W. (2020). MAUI-seq: Metabarcoding using amplicons with unique molecular identifiers to improve error correction. Molecular Ecology Resources 21: 703-720. Originally published in bioRxiv, 538587.
63. Bottery, M.J., Pitchford, J.W. & Friman, V-P. (2020). Ecology and evolution of antimicrobial resistance in bacterial communities. The ISME Journal 15: 939-948.
62. Gu, S., Wang, X., Yang, T., Friman, V-P., Geisen, S., Wei, Z., Xu, Y., Jousset, A. and Shen, Q.(2020). Chemical structure predicts the effect of plant-derived low molecular weight compounds on soil microbiome structure and pathogen suppression. Functional Ecology 34 (10): 2158-2169.
61. Gu, S., Yang, T., Shao, Z., Cao, K., Jousset, A., Friman, V-P., Mallon, C., Mei, X., Wei, Z., Xu, Y., Shen, Q. and Pommier, T. (2020). Siderophore-mediated interactions determine the disease suppressiveness of microbial consortia. mSystems 5(3): e00811-19.
60. Gu, S., Wei, Z., Shao, Z., Friman, V-P., Cao, K., Yang, T., Kramer, J., Wang, X., Meil, L., Xu, Y., Shen, Q., Kümmerli, R. and , Jousset, A. (2020). Competition for iron drives phytopathogen control by natural rhizosphere microbiomes. Nature Microbiology 5: 1002-1010.
59. Wei, Z., Friman, V-P., Pommier, T., Geisen, S., Jousset, A. and Shen, G. (2020). Rhizosphere immunity: targeting the underground for sustainable plant health management. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 7(3): 317-328.
58. Gu, Y., Dong, K., Geisen, S., Yang, W., Yan, Y., Gu, D., Liu, N., Borisjuk, N., Luo, Y., Friman, V-P. (2020). The effect of microbial inoculant origin on the rhizosphere bacterial community composition and plant growth-promotion. Plant and Soil 452: 105-117.
57. Raza, W.., Wang, J., Jousset, A., Friman, V-P., Xinlan, M., Shimei, W., Wei, Z. and Shen, Q. (2020). Bacterial community richness shifts the balance between volatile organic compound-mediated microbe-pathogen and microbe-plant interactions. Proc R. Soc. Lond. B. 287:20200403.
56. Wang, X., Wei, Z., Yang, K., Wang, J., Jousset, A., Xu, Y., Shen, Q. & Friman, V-P. (2019). Phage combination therapies for bacterial wilt disease in tomato. Nature Biotechnology 37: 1513-1520.
*Also covered by Nature Plants and Trends in Plant Science
55. Liao, H., Qian, Z., Peng, C., Zhi, C., Yu, Z., Geisen, S., Friman, V-P. and Zhou, S. (2019). Efficient reduction of antibiotic residues and associated resistance genes in tylosin fermentation waste using hyperthermophilic composting. Environment International 133: 105203.
54. Wright, R.C.T, Friman, V-P., Smith, M.C.M and Brockhurst, M. (2019). Resistance evolution against phage combinations depends on the timing and order of exposure. mBio 10:e01652-19.
53. Geisen, S., Briones, M.J.I., Gan, H., Behan-Pelletier,V.M., Friman, V-P., de Groot, A., Hannula, E., Lindo, Z., Philippot, L., Tiunov, A.V. and Wall, D. (2019). A methodological framework to embrace soil biodiversity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 136: 107536.
52. Wei, Z.., Gu, Y., Friman, V-P., Kowalchuk, G., Xu, Y., Shen, Q. and Jousset, A. (2019). Initial soil microbiome composition and functioning predetermines future plant health. Science Advances 5: eaaw0759.
51. McClean, D., Friman, V., Finn, A., Salzberg, L., & Donohue, I. (2019). Coping with multiple enemies: pairwise interactions do not predict evolutionary change in complex multitrophic communities. Oikos 128 (11): 1588-1599. - Originally published 2018 in bioRxiv, 492132.
50. Liao, H., Friman, V-P., Geisen, S., Zhao, Q., Cui, P., Lu, X., Chen, Z., Yu, Z., & Zhou, S. (2018). Horizontal gene transfer and shifts in linked bacterial community composition are associated with maintenance of antibiotic resistance genes during food waste composting. Science of the Total Environment 660: 841-850.
49. Yang, C., Dong, Y., Friman, V-P., Jousset, A., Wei, Z., Xu, Y. and Shen, Q. (2018). Carbon resource richness shapes bacterial competitive interactions by alleviating growth-antibiosis trade-off. Functional Ecology 33: 868-875.
48. Yang, T., Han, G., Yang, Q., Friman, V-P., Gu, S., Wei, Z., Kowalchuk, G., Xu, Y.. Shen, Q. and Jousset, A. (2018). Resource stoichiometry shapes community invasion resistance via productivity-mediated species identity effects. Proc R. Soc. Lond. B. 285: 20182035.
47. Li, M., Wei, Z., Wang, J., Jousset, A., Friman, V-P., Xu, Y., Shen, Q. and Pommier, T. (2018). Facilitation promotes invasions in plant-associated microbial communities. Ecology Letters 22: 149-158.
46. Wright, R.C.T, Friman, V-P., Smith, M.C.M. and Brockhurst, M.A. (2018). Cross-resistance is modular in bacteria-phage interactions. PLoS Biology 16(10): e2006057.
45. Luo, G., Li, L., Friman, V-P, Guo, J., Guo, S., Shen, Q. and Ling, N. (2018). Organic amendments increase crop yields by improving microbe-mediated soil functioning of agroecosystems: a meta-analysis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 124: 105-115.
44. Moulton-Brown, C. and Friman, V-P. (2018). Rapid evolution of generalised resistance mechanisms can constrain the efficacy of phage-antibiotic treatments. Evolutionary Applications 11: 1630-1641.
43. Flanagan, L., Steen, R., Saxby, K., Klatter, M., Aucott, B.J., Winstanley, C., Fairlamb, I.J.S., Lynam, J.M., Parkin, L. and Friman, V-P. (2018). The Antimicrobial activity of a carbon monoxide releasing molecule (EBOR-CORM-1) is shaped by intraspecific variation within Pseudomonas aeruginosa populations. Frontiers in Microbiology 9: 195.
42. Xu, L., Zhang, Y., Li, C., Wang, X., Liu, J. and Friman, V-P. (2018). Nocardioides astragali sp. nov., isolated from a nodule of wild Astragalus chrysopterus in northwestern China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 111: 1157-1163.
41. Liao, H., Lu, X., Rensing, C., Friman, V-P, Geisen, S., Chen, Z., Yu, Z., Wei, Z., Zhou, S., and Zhu, Y. (2018).
Hyperthermophilic composting accelerates the removal of antibiotic resistance genes and mobile genetic elements in sewage sludge. Environmental Science and Technology 52: 266-276.
40. Wei, Z., Hu, J., Gu, Y., Yin, S., Xu, Y., Jousset, A., Shen, Q and Friman, V-P (2018). Ralstonia solanacearum pathogen disrupts bacterial rhizosphere microbiome during an invasion. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 118: 8-17.
39. Luo, G., Friman, VP, Chen, H., Liu, M,, Wang, M., Guo, S., Ling, N. and Shen, Q. (2018). Long-term fertilization regimes drive the abundance and composition of N-cycling-related prokaryotic groups via soil particle-size differentiation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 116: 213-223.
38. Xu, L., Zhang, Y., Mohamad, O., Jiang, C. and Friman, V-P. (2017). Mezorhizobium zhnagyense sp. nov.,isolated from wild Thermopsis lanceolate in northwestern China. Archives in Microbiology 200: 603-610.
37. Xu, L., Zhang, Y., Read, N., Liu, S. and Friman, V-P. (2017). Devosia nitraria sp. nov.,a novel species isolated from the roots of Nitraria sibirica in China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 110: 1475-1483.
36. Hu, J., Wei, Z., Weidner, S., Friman, V-P., Xu, Y., Shen, Q. and Jousset, A. (2017). Probiotic Pseudomonas communities enhance plant growth and nutrient assimilation via diversity-mediated ecosystem functioning. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 113: 122-129.
35. Aminov, R., Caplin, J., Chanisvili, N., Coffey, AI., Cooper, I., De Vos, D., Doškař, J., Friman, V-P., Kurtböke, I., Pantucek, R., Pirnay, J-P, Resch, G., Rohde, C., Sybesma, W. and WIttman, J. (2017). Application of bacteriophages. Microbiology Australia 38: 63-66.
34. Yang, T., Wei, Z., Friman, V-P., Xu, Y., Shen, Q., Kowalchuk, G.A. and Jousset, A. (2017). Resource availability modulates biodiversity-invasion relationships by altering competitive interactions. Environmental Microbiology 8: 2984-2991.
33. Moreau, P., Diggle, S.P. and Friman, V-P. (2017). Bacterial cell-to-cell signalling promotes the evolution of resistance to parasitic bacteriophages. Ecology and Evolution 7: 1936-1941.
32. Wei, Z., Huang, J., Yang, T., Jousset, A., Xu, Y., Shen, Q. and Friman, V-P. (2017). Seasonal variation in the biocontrol efficiency of bacterial wilt is driven by temperature-mediated changes in bacterial competitive interactions. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 1440-1448.
31. Gu, Y., Hou, Y., Huang, D., Hao, Z., Wang, X., Wei, Z., Jousset, A., Tan, S., Xu, D., Shen, Q., Xu, Y. and Friman, V-P. (2016). Application of biochar constrains Ralstonia solanacearum infection via effects on pathogen chemotaxis, swarming motility, and root exudate availability. Plant and Soil 415: 269-281.
30. Wang, X., Wei, Z., Li, M., Wang, X., Shan, A., Mei, X., Jousset, A., Shen, Q., Xu, Y. and Friman, V-P. (2016). Parasites and competitors suppress bacterial pathogen synergistically due to evolutionary trade-offs. Evolution 71: 733-746.
29. Hu, J., Wei, Z., Friman, V-P., Gu, S., Wang, X., Eisenhauer, N., Yang, T., Ma, J., Shen, Q., Xu, Y. and Jousset, A. (2016). Probiotic diversity enhances rhizosphere microbiome function and plant disease suppression. mBio 7: e01790-16.
28. Mumford, R. and Friman, V-P. (2016). Bacterial competition and quorum-sensing signalling shapes the eco-evolutionary outcomes of model in vitro phage therapy. Evolutionary Applications 10: 161-169.
27. Gu, Y., Wei, Z., Wang, X., Friman, V-P., Huang, J., Wang, X., Mei, X., Xu, Y., Shen, Q. and Jousset, A. (2016). Pathogen invasion indirectly changes the composition of soil microbiome via shifts in root exudation profile. Biology and Fertility of Soils 52: 997-1005.
26. Sun, MM., Ye, M., Schwab, AP., Li, X., Wan, J., Wei, Z., Wu, J., Friman, V-P., Liu, K., Tian, D., Liu, M., Li, H., Hu, F., and Jiang, X. (2016). Human migration activities drive the fluctuation of ARGs: case study of landfills in Nanjing, eastern China. Journal Of Hazardous Materials 315: 93-101.
25. Expert round table on acceptance and re-implementation of bacteriophage therapy, Z. Alavidze, R. Aminov, A. Betts , M. Bardiau, L. Bretaudeau, J. Caplin, N. Chanishvili, A. Coffey , I. Cooper , D. De Vos , J. Doskar, V. Friman, N. Hoyle , N. Karanadze, I. Kurtboke, M. Kutateladze, S. McCallin, M. Merabishvili, G. Mgaloblishvili, L. Nadareishvili, N. Nikolaishvili, D. Nizharadze, R. Pantucek, J. Pirnay , G. Resch , C. Rohde, W. Sybesma, T. Shulaia, M. Tediashvili and A. Ujmajuridze (2016). Silk route to the acceptance and re-implementation of bacteriophage therapy. Biotechnology Journal 11: 595-600.
24. Friman, V-P., Dupont, A., Bass, D., Murrell, D. and Bell, T. (2015). The relative importance of evolutionary dynamics depends on the composition of microbial predator-prey community. The ISME Journal 10: 1352-1362.
23. Friman, V-P, Soanes-Brown, D., Sierocinski, P., Molin, S., Johansen, H., Merabishvili, M., Pirnay, J-P., De Vos, D. and Buckling, A. (2015). Pre-adapting parasitic phages to a pathogen leads to increased pathogen clearance and lowered resistance evolution with Pseudomonas aeruginosa cystic fibrosis bacterial isolates. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29: 188-198.
22. Wei, Z., Huang, J., Hu, J., Gu, Y., Yang, C., Mei, X., Shen, Q., Xu, Y. and Friman, V-P. (2015). Altering transplantation time to avoid periods of high temperature can efficiently reduce bacterial wilt disease incidence with tomato. PLoS ONE 10(10):e0139313.
21. Wei, Z., Yang, T., Friman, V-P., Xu, Y., Shen, Q., Jousset, A. (2015). Trophic network architecture of root-associated bacterial communities determines pathogen invasion and plant health. Nature Communications 6: 8413
20. Friman, V-P., Guzman, M., Reuman, D. and Bell, T. (2015). Bacterial adaptation to sublethal antibiotic gradients can change the ecological properties of multitrophic microbial communities. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 282: 20142920
19. Scanlan, P., Hall, A., Blackshields, G., Friman, V-P., Davis, M., Goldberg, J. & Buckling, A. (2015). Coevolution with bacteriophages drives genome-wide host evolution and constrains the acquisition of abiotic-beneficial mutations. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32: 1425-1435.
18. Friman, V-P. & Buckling, A. (2014). Phages can constrain protist predation-driven attenuation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence in multi-enemy communities. The ISME Journal 8: 1820-1830.
17. Friman, V-P., Jousset, A. & Buckling, A. (2014). Rapid prey evolution can alter the structure of predator-prey communities. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27: 374-380.
16. Friman, V-P., Ghoul, M., Søren, M., Johansen, H.K. & Buckling, A. (2013). Pseudomonas aeruginosa adaptation to lungs of cystic fibrosis patients leads to lowered resistance to phage and protist enemies. PLoS ONE 8(9): e75380.
15. Friman, V-P., Diggle, S.P. & Buckling, A. (2013). Protist predation can favour cooperation within bacterial species. Biology Letters 9: 20130548.
14. Ketola, T., Mikonranta, L., Zhang, J., Saarinen, K., Friman, V-P., Örmälä, A-M., Mappes, J. & Laakso, J. (2013). Fluctuating temperature leads to evolution of thermal generalism and pre-adaptation to novel environments. Evolution 67: 2936-44.
13. Friman, V-P. & Buckling. A. (2013). Effects of predation on real-time host-parasite coevolutionary dynamics. Ecology Letters 16: 39-46.
12. Mikonranta, L., Friman, V-P. & Laakso, J. 2012. Life History Trade-offs and Relaxed Selection Can Decrease Bacterial Virulence in Environmental Reservoirs. PLoS ONE 7(8): e43801.
11. Zhang, J., Friman, V-P., Laakso, J. & Mappes, J. 2012. Interactive effects between diet and genotypes of host and pathogen define the severity of infection. Ecology and Evolution 2: 2347–2356.
10. Hall, A., De Vos, D., Friman, V-P., Pirnay, J-P. & Buckling, A. 2012. Effects of sequential and simultaneous application of bacteriophages on populations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in vitro and in waxmoth larvae. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78: 5646-5652.
9. Mideo, N., Acosta-Serrano, A,, Aebischer, T., Brown, M.J.F., Fenton, A., Friman, V-P., Restif, O., Reece, S.E., Webster, J.P. & Brown, S.P. 2012. Life in cells, hosts, and vectors: Parasite evolution across scales. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 13: 344-347.
8. Laurentz, M., Reudler, J.H., Mappes, J., Friman, V-P., Ikonen, S. & Lindstedt, C. 2012. Diet quality can play a critical role in the defence efficacy against parasitoids and pathogens in the Glanville Fritillary (Melitae cinxia). Journal of Chemical Ecology 38: 116-125.
7. Hiltunen, T., Friman, V-P., Kaitala, V., Mappes, J. & Laakso, J. 2012. Predation and temporal resource fluctuations drive eco-evolutionary dynamics of bacterial community. Acta Oecologica 38: 77-83.
6. Friman, V-P., Laakso, J., Koivu-Orava, M. & Hiltunen, T. 2011. Pulsed-resource dynamics increase the asymmetry of antagonistic coevolution between a predatory protist and a prey bacterium. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 2563–2573.
5. Jalasvuori, M., Friman, V-P., Nieminen, A., Bamford, J.K.H. & Buckling, A. 2011. Bacteriophage selection against a plasmid-encoded sex-apparatus leads to the loss of antibiotic resistance plasmids. Biology Letters 7: 902-905.
4. Friman, V-P., Hiltunen, T., Jalasvuori, M., Lindstedt, C., Laanto, E., Örmälä, A-M., Laakso, J., Mappes, J. & Bamford, J. 2011. High temperature and bacteriophages can indirectly select for bacterial pathogenicity in environmental reservoirs. PLoS ONE 6(3): e17651
3. Friman, V-P. & Laakso, J. 2011. Pulsed resource dynamics constrain the evolution of predator-prey interactions. The American Naturalist, 177: 334-345
2. Friman, V.-P., Lindstedt, C., Hiltunen, T., Laakso, J. & Mappes, J. 2009. Predation on multiple trophic levels shapes the evolution of pathogen virulence. PLoS ONE 4(8): e6761.
1. Friman, V.-P., Hiltunen, T., Laakso, J. & Kaitala, V. 2008. Availability of prey resources drives evolution of predator-prey interaction. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, 275: 1625-1633.